Masaru Co., Ltd.

Steady Steps Toward Carbon Neutrality: Constantly Enhancing Water Transfer Printing and Coating Technologies

Masaru Co., Ltd. has 35 years of experience as a water transfer printing mass producer for companies in a variety of industries. To ensure that we meet our customers' needs going forward, we will continue to research new water transter printing - nelated technologies and develop new projects based on the concept of "beauty, ideas, and creativity," while constantly offering new proposals with an eye on upcoming developments.

Three-dimensional processing exactly how customers want it. Durable water transfer printing In addition to flat surfaces, we can offer water transfer printing on curved and three-dimensional surfaces, which had been difficult in the past but we can now do it in any way the customers wish. We also provide cutting-edge coating technology beyond printing services, enhancing value through superior durability. From an environmental standpoint, we are working to render our waste liquids, like organic solvents, harmless.

Features of Water Transfer Printing and Our Business Water Transfer printing technology is a method of applying designs to products with complex shapes through a special printing process. Our Water Transfer printing provides a uniform, smooth coating on products of complex shapes and sizes. These products include aircraft parts, interior and exterior building materials, cosmetic containers, golf clubs, call bells, wine bottles, and many others. In the area of coating technology, our urethane and metallic coatings in particular provide advanced adhesion and beautiful colors, luster, and patterns on all kinds of materials.
Through the combination of water transfer printing and coating technologies, we provide enhanced value, improving both functionality and aesthetics across a wide array of products.
Additionally, we are actively involved in advancing new processing technologies through ongoing research and technical studies.

Materials we have processing experience We have experience in processing the following materials. Topcoat, which is available in two types: matte coat for a relaxed feel, and glossy coat for luster and sheen. Please feel free to contact us for information on materials other than those listed below.

ABS, AES, AAS, acrylic, PP, elastomer, nylon-based, SMC, BMC

Iron, stainless steel, aluminum, zinc plating, chrome plating

Glass, ceramics, wood

Durability and quality of water transfer printing items Masaru is ISO9001 certified and has proven reliability in the durability of our water transfer printing products. We have obtained excellent results in weather resistance tests using SWO testers, hot water resistance tests, as well as alkaline resistance, acid resistance, and detergent resistance tests. Luster retention is maintained at 100%, while minimizing color change, allowing us to uphold stringent standards for product appearance and customer satisfaction.

Production Examples

  • Water Transfer Printing : Cosmetics Containers

    Applicable to any shape or form, this process can be used to express the image, exact as desired, not only on flat surfaces, but also on bending surfaces, solid shapes, and other three-dimensional curved surfaces that were previously considered impossible. Moreover, going beyond applying transfers to processed surfaces with the addition of our superior coating and painting technologies can further enhance the product's added value.

  • Coating and Painting: Nameplates

    Focusing primarily on urethane coatings and metallic paints, our coatings feature excellent adhesion to all kinds of materials. They create a beautiful appearance with superb color, luster, and pattern effects as well as an overall well-finished look, from the coatings' smoothness, three-dimensionality, pleasant touch, and continuity.

Company Profile

Company Name Masaru Co., Ltd.
Founded 2003
Capital 3 million yen
Head Office 317 Ashihara-cho, Nishi-ku, Nagoya, 452-0823 Japan
Representative Yukio Ishimoto, President
Number of Employees 30
Business Activities Business Activities:
・Water Transfer Printing
・Wood Grain Printing

Responding to climate change

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Acquisition of the Science Based Targets (SBT) certification for Small and medium-sized enterprises

Reduction targets

Reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 42% compared to 2022 by 2030

Identify and reduce Scope 3 emissions

* The above targets are certified at the most ambitious 1.5°C level that can be certified under the current process.

Base year GHG inventory

CO2 emissions of the base year are as follows.

Base Year: 2022

・Scope1:39.1 tCO2

・Scope2:148.5 tCO2

●SCOPE3:193.0 tCO2

category1 [Purchased goods and services]:139.6 tCO2

category3 [Fuel- and energy-related activities]:31.6 tCO2

category4 [Upstream transportation and distribution]:8.2 tCO2

category5 [Waste generated in operations]:13.0 tCO2

Analysis of risks and opportunities stemming from future climate change

We have assumed the following risks and corresponding opportunities associated with future climate change scenarios.


・Regulations on processing materials with high GHG emissions

・Obligation to disclose and expanded disclosure information on GHG emissions

・Delays in procurement and delivery due to logistics stoppages caused by urban flooding, etc.


・Efficient use of raw materials through new technology development  leading to cost reductions

・Joint technological development with upstream and downstream supply chain companies enhancing our ability to develop new applications and leading to sustainable business performance

・More points of appeal to new markets and customer segments as a pioneer in the

water transfer printing industry


Background on Participation in this Project

As a manufacturer offering decorative finishes, we have been working to reduce our environmental impact from our own perspective, by making efforts like rendering organic solvents and other waste liquids harmless, tracking the electricity consumption of our processing equipment, and going paperless to reduce waste. We participated in this project for a new perspective on carbon neutrality, with the hope of visualizing waste in concrete terms and starting to make efforts in areas where we can at present.

Findings and impressions after participating

Calculating CO2 emissions requires invoice-based data, and in our case, we felt the need to start with accounting information to manage this data. With the establishment of reduction targets, we were able to get a sense for how difficult it is to operate during business expansion. However, by looking at detailed data, we could also find hints that led to new cost reduction and capital investment plans toward energy conservation, and other measures. Through this, we found a path that will lead us into the future.

Future proposals from our company

Most of the components we decorate are petroleum-derived molded products, and for that reason we are inextricably linked to petroleum. That is why we strongly feel the need to work actively toward carbon neutrality to survive this industry. We want to put the results of this project to the best use we can and work hard toward reducing waste, even if we are only taking small steps. Also, because we do decorative processing, the components we produce are seen by consumers, which is why we are always seeking innovations, conducting research and development, and improving our technologies. We want to incorporate a carbon-neutral perspective into these efforts and work together with material manufacturers to develop new processing technologies.